
Please read and follow all instructions on this page and in the APPLICATION FORM carefully.

2025 APPLICATION FORM Each year’s form will be available by September, it will be similar to the previous year with different essay questions.

Right-click the link above and Save Link As… or Save File As.

Each year, applications of proposed recipients for each of the designated scholarships must be forwarded to the Foundation by the AOM college. Each college may submit a maximum of three applications per year. Applicants for scholarships will be required to fill out a formal application packet and provide school records, personal data, and letters of recommendation.
All applications must be mailed to the Foundation by the College.

Finalists will be asked to interview with representatives of the Board and as applicable, with the Scholarship Committee. The Scholarship Committee will make recommendations to the Foundation for approval.

We will begin accepting applications for the 2024-25 scholarship in November 2024. The application process will close on JANUARY 15, 2025.

Trudy McAlister Scholarship for 2024-25

Trudy McAlister Foundation announces the Trudy McAlister Scholarship for students of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in ACAOM accredited schools working toward their degree in Acupuncture or degree in Oriental Medicine. This is a merit-based scholarship.


Completed applications and documentation must be postmarked by JANUARY 15, 2025.


  • Completed at least one full academic year of their professional training.
  • Each college may nominate up to three students.
  • Applicants must be United States citizens.
  • A minimum 3.1 GPA from Undergraduate college work and AOM college grades is recommended, although all applications that qualify in other requirements will be reviewed. Transcripts that show Pass/Fail results will also be reviewed.

Award Amount

Past scholarship awards have ranged between $500 to $5,000 each. The amounts are determined by how many schools, organizations, and individuals donate to and sponsor this program. The scholarship award(s) will directly offset the specific student’s tuition at the recipient’s college. The awards will be announced in April every year. Recipient’s of the Scholarship Awards are notified. Those applicants that do not qualify will not be notified.

Application Procedure

  • Complete the Trudy McAlister Scholarship application. ONLY APPLICATIONS RECEIVED IN HARD COPY WILL BE CONSIDERED.
  • Include the required two essays. Please write about both and keep each essay to under 500 words.
  • Enclose with the completed Scholarship Application, two letters of recommendation along with completed Recommendation Form (for each) from a college faculty member. Recommenders must seal and sign the envelope making sure that the applicant’s name appears on the front of the envelope.
  • Include an official copy of your transcript(s) – include all college transcripts, both undergraduate and graduate. Copies of official undergraduate transcripts may be the AOM College.
  • Include a professional photo of yourself. Finalists will be asked to submit an electronic copy in .jpg format. (An article will be written for Acupuncture Today, and recipients names and photos will be included in the article.) And email us a good resolution digital copy. Please have the photo be of professional quality.


The successful applicants will be notified by 15 April 2024. Applicants who are not awarded scholarships will not be notified.

2025 APPLICATION FORM Each year’s form will be available by September, it will be similar with different essay questions to the previous year.

Right-click the link above and Save Link As.. or Save File As.


  • Application Form for 2025 will be posted no later than November 2024. Before then, the previous year’s application remains available for general preview. We do not expect significant changes to the application process from year to year.
  • Applications must be postmarked by JANUARY 15, 2025
  • The amount of the scholarships and the number of scholarships shall be determined by the Directors of the Foundation each year.
  • The awards will be announced next April.
  • Scholarships will be awarded on a one-year basis but may be renewable at the discretion of the Scholarship Committee as recommended by the Board of Directors.

Please Note

  • Applicant must be a US Citizen.
  • NO incomplete applications will be considered.
  • Only nominations channeled through school officials will be considered.
  • All applications and letters must be sent by the college.
  • If a college submits more than 3 applications, NONE will be accepted.
  • Applications with recommendation forms and transcripts postmarked after the deadline will not be accepted.

Address for Applications

Schools need to return completed application(s) to:

AOM Scholarship Fund
904 Fender Lane
Carbondale, CO 81623

Any questions about the scholarship and/or the application process, please use our contact page.